Holy Crap! Did We Just Sign a Contract to Buy That House?

Main entrance to community
Main entrance to community
This is what our new house will look like
This is what our new house will look like

Welcome to the online chronicle of Michael and Shannon’s first home purchase. I thought this would be a good way to keep our families and friends apprised of the status of the construction, and share our experiences along the way. Buying a home is the biggest financial purchase most of us ever make. Those of you who’ve been through it can probably understand that I am filled with equal parts excitement and terror. Excited that we will finally have a place to call our own. Terrified with the prospect of having to defend my credit rating, and spending the next few months sparring with the mortgage company.

As soon as I have a chance, I want to backtrack a bit, and write about how this whole thing started. Shannon and I toured close to twenty existing properties before making a decision to build a new house with Dominion Homes in Northeast Columbus.  Stay tuned for this story, and may others, along with pictures and links to other homebuying Websites.
